All European languages, including Russian, borrowed Latin words. When studying English and translating latin to english, one may get the impression that he borrowed the entire Latin language: there are many times more words of Latin origin in English than in Russian, and it seems that it is physically impossible to remember them all. On the other hand, they are by nature very similar to Russian: they have rather narrow meanings, they have suffixes and prefixes, they belong to one specific part of speech, which makes them easier to remember.
Consider, for example, the word preconception, which translates as “prejudice”. Here pre- is a prefix

with a meaning close to the meaning of the Russian prefix “pre-” in the words “foresee”, “assume”, etc. Con is another prefix with the meaning “with”, “together”. Cept is a root that also occurs in the words concept, reception, perception, etc. The general meaning of this root is “to see”, “seeing”. Finally, -ion is an abstract noun suffix that allows the word to be assigned to the corresponding part of speech. Then preconception is a kind of pre-formed concept, that is, a “biased attitude”.
Thus, the best technique for memorizing English vocabulary of Latin origin and translating latin to english is word analysis by composition. Memorizing the forms and meanings of various suffixes and prefixes is necessary, first of all, in order to facilitate the “struggle” for memorizing Latin words.