Improving the efficiency of the translator’s work usually means reducing the time that has to be spent on a certain amount of text while maintaining or improving the quality of the translation.

Often it becomes impossible to accomplish these simple tasks in the formulation: the speed of translation and subsequent editing of the text seems to freeze at a certain stage, the limit of the translator’s capabilities comes. And if improving the quality of translation is feasible with constant self-improvement, then this does not significantly affect the speed of work. This is especially felt when mastering new topics, when moving to work in new areas, when the pace of work can slow down significantly due to lack of experience and the need to constantly refer to dictionaries and sources of information. In order for the increase in efficiency to become possible and very noticeable, it is necessary to optimize the work.

This process begins, as in other areas, with an analysis of all stages and a search for the most problematic factors. The solution to each such problem gives a new impetus to increase efficiency. The greatest opportunities in this regard are given by the automation of as many processes as possible. Today, only a person can make a competent, adequate translation, but at the same time he can use all the possibilities that a computer gives him. Searching for translations of words with the help of electronic dictionaries is much faster than when using ordinary ones, moreover, it becomes possible to search in several dictionaries at once, in the texts of dictionary entries. Text processing in a computer text editor is a convenient and quick way to check the received translation for errors and typos. But this is just a small help compared to what computer-aided translation programs provide.

The most popular professional translation automation software is SDL Trados, developed on the basis of Translation Memory technology. The efficiency of the translator’s work increases significantly, as the program allows you to:

1. Carry out automatic translation of sentences or segments of phrases that have already been translated. Every translator knows that translation is often a routine job of processing the same phrases, for example, when it comes to translating legal documents. If you use Trados, then each such identical segment will be automatically inserted into the translation text. Experienced translators who constantly use the program assure that sometimes several pages of text are automatically translated!

2. Save time on searching the translation dictionaries for special terms, as you can create a glossary, and the translation will be carried out automatically. This is especially important if a whole team of translators is working on the same text, and you need to achieve consistency in the terminology used.

3. To reduce the typing time, as there is the possibility of predictive input. It’s very simple: SDL Trados analyzes the first letters of a word and “shows” variants of the matching words. If there is such an option, then you can choose it. As a result, the translation is completed in a shorter period of time.

How effective computerized translation programs are can be judged by the fact that they are widely used among professional translators. Today, this is the easiest way to optimize the work of a translator, which means, to the opportunity to earn more, become more competitive, do your job quickly and efficiently, in short, implement everything that we understand by the words “efficiency increase”.